Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Post 2

Detail the impact of new and emerging technologies on traditional news gathering and presentation practices.

Technology is changing drimatically everyday for example these days journilists don't have to write on a note pad or take a recorder around with them all the time, all they need now is the mobile phone. Say GOODBYE to heavy video cameras, you can get ones now that only weigh 162g.

Technology is crazy these days and it's just going to get more advanced in years to come.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Post 1- News Media Industry

The News Media Industry is very large and has many different Catorgry's involved such as:
Newspaper, Radio, Television, News, Internet and also Entertainment news all of these still tell us what's happening in the world just in different ways like Newspapers and the Internet you have to read where Radio, Television, News and Entertainment news you ethier watch and listen or just listen.

The News Media Industry basiclly tells us what's happening in our society and also what's happening around the world, That's what i belive the News Media Industry is all about.